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Vertraute Lieferanten für deinen Tanz-Onlineshop des Vertrauens

Trusted suppliers for your dance online store of trust

You're already a fan of Dancing Queens and know our products. However, are you aware of who's behind the high quality dance shoes and clothes? That's exactly what we're here to tell you today! In order to guarantee your wearing comfort, you only find the best - a deliberately exquisite selection of producers that guarantee quality and style.

The Diamant shoe factory Otto Müller KG has been a German family company since 1873, which guarantees reliable quality in its dance shoes through the latest technology and craftsmanship. From dance shoes with a wide fit up to shoes with comfort footbed - due to the diversity of Diamant, you will find your perfect pair of shoes without a guilty conscience, because the company relies on local German suppliers and uses renewable energy sources for its electricity requirements.

As the second generation, Kaan Demirtaş started the production of dance shoes under the “Esmeralda Dance Shoes” brand in 2015. Through cooperations with various dance schools, the brand quickly became popular in the Turkish dance market. However, Esmeralda is not yet satisfied. The employees always strive to improve their company to offer reliable and high-quality service, which is as golden as our favorite Esmeralda shoe.

Fuego dance sneakers
The story of the notorious Fuego dance sneakers began as founder Kevin suffered from knee problems due to dancing in normal everyday sneakers. He could not find a suitable dance sneaker and decided to found his own company. During the pandemic, dancers found paths to continue dancing, both at home and outdoors. Therefore, Fuego developed a versatile dance sneaker that works for every dance style and on every surface.

Due to friends of founder Salvatore Calamita having difficulty dancing in ordinary shoes all night long without pain, the idea of ​​developing special dance shoes arose. This was the beginning of the Italian dance shoe factory, which still specializes in quality, innovation, health and environmental protection. It does not matter if you prefer flats or heels, in Lidmag's shoes, you do not only dance all night long, but also sparkle, even in the dark, as bright as the stars.

The company was founded due to the high demand for qualitative, comfortable, aesthetic and handmade dance shoes, within the dance schools of the Portdance owner. Since we could not hold back our enthusiasm, this summer we received the opportunity to create our own design of the popular PD804. During our visit we witnessed Portdance as an open and warm family business. Due to their courteous species, they conduct their partnerships sustainably and constantly.

As a family business, the German company produces quality products that reflect the pulse of time and the needs of dancers. Rumpf is known for his sneaker, which offers dancers comfort and support with every step. Through the perfect balance of flexible and robust materials, Rumpf guarantees since over 50 years for a special kind of dance pleasure.

Our own visit to Istanbul convinced us of the values ​​and motivation behind Lismina. The company has been working in the textile department since 1977. Since 2015 it specializes in sportswear. The aim is to equip women with more convenient, opaque and stylish activewear so that they feel completely comfortable. The bestseller high waist leggings sit perfectly and emphasize your curves in the right places so that you feel confident, be it when it comes to doing sports or in everyday life.

Since the construction of the family business over 50 years ago, materials and styles have changed, but the value of high-quality and reliable products has been preserved. Cooperations with athletes, devotion to research and the purchase of modern machines created Pridance to combine tradition and innovation. The properties of the company have convinced us so much that they have become our exclusive suppliers for network stockings with rhinestones.

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